Monday, August 8, 2011

Day 49

We had a very nice day today.  Again we got lucky with the rain.  Though the road was wet in places, the rain had moved on by the time I got there.  I entered New Hampshire about two miles from the motel.  After taking days to cross the western states, it was weird going across  Vermont in a day yesterday.  When I talk with business people in New York City or Boston and I tell them I often drive from Fargo to our condo in Big Sky, MT, they often ask how many days it takes me to do so.  When I say one, they are amazed,  There is just a different sense of distance in the East.  Distance is often measured more in time than in miles. 

The first picture is me under the welcome New Hampshire sign.  The next two are of a creek we road next to for some time and wooded area.  New Hampshire lived up to its billing of being very beautiful.  The day started out as a combination of dense clouds and fog so riding through the valleys and climbing the hills was especially scenic as they were in and out of the fog.  It was easy to imagine what I looked like 250 years ago before the white settlers moved in. 

Tomorrow we go to the Atlantic Ocean.  Again the forecast is for rain.  We climb out of Manchester where we are staying tonight and then head for Portsmouth. 

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