Thursday, June 30, 2011

Day 10 -- Averaged 16.8 mph

Day 10 may end up being the easiest day of the tour.  We only biked 52 miles and had a big time North Dakota style tailwind.  We left Boise about 8:00 AM just as a thunderstorm was moving in from the southwest.  We stayed just ahead of the storm and the wind from the storm gave us a big push.  The first picture is of the hills as we leave Boise and the second was of Boise from an overlook.  Boise was a very nice city and I am looking forward to going back.  The best part of the rest day was meeting Kim’s and my friends and former next door neighbors from Fargo, Tom and Becky, for supper.  We had a great time catching up.  It was really nice to spend time with old friends.

Even though I was at the motel before noon today, the day still went fast.  After checking in I had my normal recovery snack -- low fat chocolate milk and a dark chocolate Milky Way while I iced my knees.   Something I have never had to do before.  Then I stretched for awhile.  I usually stretch at night, but it is better to stretch at least a little right after the ride.  The director of the massage place, who obviously worked out a lot, suggested I take sitz bath after riding.  He said it would help with recovery.  One of the staff members had also suggested this.  Not sure what a sitz bath is, been long time since I had German as a freshmen in college, but I think it is German for sitting in a bath.  Anyway, I poured the salt the director gave me into very hot water.  The director had also said do not sit longer than 10-15 minutes.  I did not think this would be a big deal, but got out after 10 minutes. Glad I did because I think if I had stayed longer, would still be there looking like a bald raisin.

After that I went and ate lunch.  At 2:30 we had a workshop led by Mike the tour director (third picture).  Mike is a retired Air Force Captain and in addition to leading this tour, he has biked across the US several times and teaches bike safety classes.  This workshop was on changing a tire.  In a previous workshop the class timed him on changing a tire and he changed a back tire in 45 seconds.  I picked up a few tips but the main thing I learned is that it would be easiest if Mike just changed my tire.  

I cleaned my bike’s chain and then we had a meeting on tomorrow's route, something we do every day.  Then it was time for dinner.  It really gets to be a busy day. 

Tomorrow will be a long day, 98 miles.  Hopefully we will still have the west wind. 

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